Sunday, May 3, 2020

Essay on Personal Note On Family History Essay Example For Students

Essay on Personal Note On Family History Essay Initially, beginning this assignment I wasn t sure what to expect. My extended family and I are not very close. It was difficult for me to have to reach out to people to find out information for this assignment. When I first began to research my family history it was very difficult for me and brought up a lot of emotions, as I had recently just lost a grandparent on each side of my family. Unfortunately, both of those grandparents who passed had many of the answers I needed for this assignment. When gathering information I sought out family members from my mom s side and from my father s side of the family. Upon trying to gather information I quickly realized that communication is lacking on both sides of my family. I actually received some push back and concerns regarding why I was interested in â€Å"digging up people’s business†. Unfortunately, with the deaths that occurred a month prior to beginning to gather information for this assignment. I ve found that many family members that I spoke with reverted back to discussing the lives of my grandparents who had just recently passed. It was as if it was all they could speak about. It was difficult for everyone to gather their emotions and see the family as a whole unit. It appeared that they felt that both of these untimely deaths took over the spirit of the family. I also found it difficult for myself to want to discuss my family when everyone was still grieving. I realize that death is an issue that most families choose not to deal with. However, I believe that death needs to be dealt with to get past hurt, pain, as well as anger, to preserve the history of the family. I was not sure what the purpose of this assignment was until I began to find roadblocks in finding out informa. .if marriage is the right course for me. Although, initially I was not sure what I would gain from this assignment I believe that I gained a whole lot of needed information that will help me personally as well as have a better understanding of how my family operates. Although my mother and my father s families are different there are many of the same things that occurred cross generationally. Even when it comes to my own relationship with my own parents I have to keep in mind their familial experiences and understand how that impacts them as individuals and as parents. I realize that one day when I become a parent I will need to take into account these familial patterns and find ways to change them for the better. Gathering this information was a cumbersome experience but it was an eye-opening experience the taught me a lot about who I am solely based on my family.

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